A collaboratory studio program to be developed with University Of Buenos Aires, Municipality of Buenos Aires and Municipality of Avellaneda.

The project investigates the metropolitan context and its potentialities for urban regeneration as a base for socio-spatial integration strategies via programming collaborations.

The Context

The context is determined in a developing country’s main metropolitan area, Buenos Aires, Argentina. The case is presented as a paradigm of urban fragmentation, socially and spatially defining it as a dual city. The selected intervention area is located in the fringe of Buenos Aires Central Municipality in a old industrial corridor bordering two of the poorest municipalities of the whole region, presenting several problems but also some good opportunities trough large urban regeneration programs.

The Aim of the study is to define spatial options and corresponding urban programs as conditions for sustainable integration at the different and constituted city fragment in the periphery of Buenos Aires. This determines the courses main study goals as:

To understand the dynamics of urban change within a metropolis in a developing country
To understand the interactions between the sectoral goals for development in a city region, formal and informal.
To explore synergies between changes brought by globalization forces in the existing city, the socio spatial fragmentation and the role and effects of planning in the search for urban balance (physical territorial ordering support and linked by correlated functions).
To being able to define an integrated developing vision from a metropolitan condition into a very specific area, recognizing the links and interaction of the several and diverse actors on the urban dynamic.
To explore the implementation of programs and spatial strategies of development, through a design intervention ,linking formal actors and vision to informal actors considering their capacities and needs
To managed and design the spatial impacts at projecting, integrating disconnected areas to the urban fabric and enhance its functional links.

The expected outcomes are related to the main component of the course, an essay which will constitute the theoretical framework of each participant group approaches; a take home examination where each of the thematic lecture series will be evaluated (by a selection on three questions to be answered) and a design booklet, to document the research and the proposed intervention strategy with their corresponding testing design.
The main goals will be covered considering themes and theories in relation to Globalization processes and its different urban responses which will be introduce via lectures and a reader;
The choice of possible strategies for development at the study area and the intervention area will take into account the new conditions created in some parts of the city by globalization forces and their relations to the existing city and particularly to the stagnated peripheral areas.
The design tasks include a group development of a spatial strategy for integration and synergy and an individual presentation of one strategic project in order to test the proposed strategy.

Proposed project team:
NL/TU Delft
Prof. Vincent Nadin, responsible Chair Spatial Planning and Strategies
Dr. Diego Sepulveda, Coordinator
Involved staff TUD/chair spatial planning and strategies:
Archt. Francisco Colombo, urban designer, vast knowledge on Buenos Aires developing processes
Dr. Roberto Rocco, Spatial Planner/theory
Dr. Steven Read, Urban Space Theory/design
Dr. Qu Lei, Urban regeneration/ metropolitan context
Dr. Akkelies van Nes, Urban tools and urban technologies studies
Dr. Ana María Fernández-Maldonado. Technological related urban development strategies
Involved staff UBA, Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Prof. Flavio Janches, Responsible chair research, program project leader
Prof. Eduardo Cajide, Professor UBA, director metropolitan environmental developing Plan, Buenos Aires,
Arch.Juan Carlos Angelome, Environmental Impact in urban renewal, Riachualo case
Arch. Freddy Garay Metropolitan strategic planning, Buenos Aires perspectives,
Arch.Msc. Graciela Silvestri, Morphogenesis and social history of Riachuelo area
Arch. Msc.Cintia Goytia, Economical developing perspective under poverty alleviation approaches and large urban projects.
Arch. Andrés Ferrari
Urb. Hayley Henderson
Arch. Ma. Jesús Huarte
Arch. Daniel Kosak
Arch. Máximo Rohm


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